The opulence of the ladies in the nineteenth century during Queen Victoria's reign, known as the Victorian Era, created a very distinct look.

A profusion of floral and botanical used in art, fabrics, wallpapers, and of course filled vases, were a nod to the feminine influence.
The romantic feeling was also displayed through lace and crochet bed linens and tablecloths. Lace doilies were a favorite of the ladies and adorned almost every table surface.

Heavily carved furniture in dark finishes were a sharp contrast to the delicateness of the doilies, but married the feminine and masculine quite well.
Window treatments echoed this same balance. Elaborate styling of velvet, damask and wool drapes in multiple layers, with an eyelet or lace sheer were always accompanied by an upholstered cornice board, valance or swag.
Drapery treatments often adorned master beds as well, and some beds even flaunted full canopies. Ribbons, bows or tassels accented almost every fabric treatment.

Accessories are essential to the Victorian style. They were ornate and excessive, and what enabled the accumulation of an abundance of collectibles was wealth.
Travel and education were the privilege of the wealthy, and these too were represented in the decor.
Books were plentiful and travel brought eclecticism to the Victorian home.

Creating the Victorian style is no quick decorating job, but I enjoy surrounding myself with romantic notions of the Victorian Era,
I hope I have inspired you!
Much love, Lady Estelle