Tea and Fashions with Lady Estelle!

Tea and Fashions with Lady Estelle!
  Lady Estelle, as she prefers to be called, is a living history re-enactor whose goal is to "help keep life in the times gone by." She particularly loves the Victorian era, fashions and homes. "With today's stress and fast pace, I relax by stepping back in time. I always had a passion for the Victorian era with it's elaborate fashions and it's high society life. I enter my day as I would have in the late 1800's, " states Lady Estelle, fondly known as "The Modern Day Victorian Lady." 

Immediately after contacting The Hearthside House, she marched with the Hearthside float in the Memorial Day parade. After learning the history of Hearthside, one room at a time, she became a interpreter and is now serving as a docent for all of the tours.

She is a perfect fit for Hearthside, and it hasn't taken her long to fall in love with the house. Lady Estelle has charmed her guests with her infectious enthusiasm and extensive knowledge of historical times, fashions and etiquette. She has been involved with every event and every tour day since she joined two year ago in May.

In fact, she is now leading a new program unveiled by Hearthside House... Etiquette Lessons for Young Ladies---being given to Girl Scout troops. They are  invites to Hearthside for tea and treats. While enjoying her lessons, the ladies are quit impressed with Lady Estelle's style of dress.

At the Annual Meeting of the Friends of Hearthside on March 20th, 2010, Lady Estelle was voted as a member of the Board of Directors. She brings to the board her skill of reenactment, passion for research, education in the arts, fashion and theatre. And she pledges to be a key contributor in all our efforts to raise funds for the preservation of Hearthside, which no doubt she will!

Lady Estelle lives in Providence and even has a Victorian tea Salon in her home, where she relax and enjoys entertaining her friends and family. She is also open to small groups that are interested in having tea with her. You may contact her at tea_ladyestel@yahoo.com. Enter " Tea With Lady Estelle" in the subjuct box for a private tea party.
Lady Estelle has worked at the Providence Marriott for over 20 years, where she is presently the Banquet Supervisor. She integrates her Victorian fashions into her everday wardrobe, including hats! Estelle created and owns the Victorian Tea Society of Providence. Her love of "all things Victorian" extends to her active involvement in numerous social networking sites related to teas and the Victorian era, and proudly promotes Hearthside and the events within them.
Lady Estelle was recently featured in CNN iReports for being among a unique group throughout the world "Living in a Time Warp." We're so glad that Lady Estelle has chosen Hearthside to share her talents, and to devote her passion and energies to!
Written By
Kathy Hartley, President
Friends of Hearthside, Inc.

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