Lady Estelle host Black Heritage Society Girl's Tea

The Providence Journal did a wonderful coverage on our 2nd Annual Girl's Tea,
On May 17th, 2014, at the Governor Henry Lippitt House in Providence, I hosted a lovely young girl's tea to introduce them to CHRISTIANA BANNISTER, an abolitionist and businesswoman of the late 1800's.
As Christiana, I was able to introduce them to tea etiquette and proper manners to be used at the tea table. .
We also got a chance to talk to them about proper ways to introduce yourself when in public
It is very important that these lessons be taught to them while they are young. It will help them in years to come.
I am sure I have made an impression on them and they would want to take this knowledge with them throughout their lives.

September Tea Travel

 I am happy to say my tea time travels are on it's way. I have decided to visit as many tea shops and salons as I can. Will be looking t...