Victorian Life, It was not all glorious!

 I have a passion for the Victorian fashions and lifestyles of the era, but
there was a part of Victorian Life that most people do not see or did not talk about.
We have this picture of Victorian life as grandeur and position, fancy and elaborate clothes, riches and style and grace.
Well, like everything, there is two sides to the story.
It was not all glorious for the regular working class like you and me. It was hard, long hours a day, low wages, back breaking work, sickness and down right inhuman.
We must take a look at this to have balance and to educate ourselves on the era of our passion.

1 comment:

Pam of Eastlake Victorian said...

So true!

Have you read the book, "Inside the Victorian Home" by Judith Flanders? It was fascinating, but it did strip away all the glamor that we think of when we think "Victorian."


September Tea Travel

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